Thursday, March 1, 2007

Beware Snake Oil Salesmen

As a Runner and a Diabetic I often try to keep up on the various research and claims made on the internet. There are many products that claim you can cure diabetes. Since I don’t want to be sued by anyone of those companies I will leave it up to you to Google “Diabetes Cure” and look a the claims.

While I would never discount the use of natural herbs and minerals to help, it’s imperative that you do the research. Don’t take claims at face value as these sites are made to entice you drop your hard earn money on nothing more then a High Tech Snake Oil Sales man.

These leads to the Principle of “Don't trust anything you read on the internet - confirm it
Independently.” Many of the studies done for these so called cures are not scientific studies. Where there are control groups and one set gets the good and the other gets a gel cap full of water. Many of these cures are nothing more then a vitamin pill that you can buy at a local health food store.

There are some great sites on alternative type supplements, but know that this industry is not regulated to much degree. Yes, we all know that more vitamin C is good, adding Omega 3-6-9 to our diets is good, there is some evidence that ALA can help with neuropathy. Heck, you can find claims that 70% cure dark chocolate actually lowers blood sugar, I am all for that.

Know thy self, and take caution when trying Supplements and natural remedies that are not approved by your doctor and dietician. If you want to try something check with your doctor, some of these supplements may not go well with current medication and you can do more harm then good.

As Diabetics we have to take much better care of ourselves then the average Joe, we have to worry about cuts on are extremities. Think about me running a blister could easily get infected if not treated quickly and decisively by you and your doctor. So extra care is always better then the alternative.

Make wise choices in your life, and we will Live Long and Prosper, As Jean Luc would say “Make it So”. Empower yourself to make yourself healthy and wise. You want wealth buy a lottery ticket like the rest of us.


1 comment:

Angie said...

Hi - I saw your story in the Halifax Herald. I'm from Hfx but currently living in BC due to my hubby being in the miltary.

Anyhow - I really enjoyed your story and it would be great if you might be able to write a piece on how you graduated from where you were, to where you are now, in terms of exercise.

My mom is diabetic and I have always struggled with weight but not diabetic. Last July I decided if I didn't fix this I'll end up in the same position. I've lost 46 pounds so far through calorie counting and exercise but my desire is to be able to RUN.

How would you suggest you try to work up to running? Did you walk for a long time or just start right out running? I find it physically difficult to run - my legs are very heavy still at this point.

Thanks for your blog, it is very inspiring.