Monday, July 23, 2007

July Update

Greetings, folks I thought I would take a few moments and update the blog for this month. I really should try to update more often. But here I go for this month.

Well, I am now starting my training a bit more intensely for this falls ½ marathon in the Valley here in Nova Scotia. I am waiting for the clinic to catch up a bit on the longer runs. I am doing about 12 – 13K on Sunday’s at the moment. So it will be about 3 more weeks when they get up there. Meanwhile I am maintaining about a 40K per week base.

My health is good and my diabetes is not an issue in terms of day to day. My weight I am happy to report is now just a touch under 203. The goal is to be under 200 for the ½ marathon in the fall. With a further goal of 190 before next years marathon season, I am hoping that I will go to NYC or Chicago next fall.

My LTR clinic is going well; I need to polish up my public speaking a bit better. But with Practice and more self confidence I will be much better at presenting topics. This week we talked about goals, which went pretty good through I think I could have been a bit more polished and avoids the Uh’ and Ah’s. But nothing wrong with this as I push the envelope of my comfort zone on occasion.

Hopefully there may be some big news in the next week or two. But mum’s the word at the moment, look for more in perhaps 1 – 2 weeks on that.

Angela and I did get to see Beyond the Pail here in Halifax last week. They were fantastic, great energy and great music.

Just a small one today

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