Thursday, November 6, 2008

Weather in Yellowknife today is -4C and a touch of snow. The ground is now covered and is icing up nicely. They don’t really plough up here; they just pack it down and through Gravel on top. So you get traction from the gravel that is imbedded in the ice. Mind you at this point still slushy at this point, will be another month before the cold weather comes in.

After a bout of hypertension I finally got it under control. For the life of me I can’t figure why it spiked up to over 140/90+. As a Diabetic you really want your pressure in the 128/80 range or less. Right now I took it last night after getting home and it was 116/56. A touch low but my body should adjust to the Diuretic soon.

It is frustrating to see this happen as I have no control over this particular aspect of hypertension. According to my Dr. and reading on the internet. In about 90% of Hypertension cases there really is no underlying cause they can give you. The other 10% can be controlled by diet and exercise.

While I don’t run very often anymore due to my Chronic Tendonitis, I do simulate the mileage on the elliptical. I am hoping that Physio which starts in a few weeks will help get the tendon to a point I can run again. Meanwhile I stay away from the running, with the hopes of being able to start up again before the end of this year.

This only makes me reflect a bit on the aging process and hard we fight not to age, yet it is inevitable that our bodies will betray us in the end. Statistically I can be as active as I was in my 40’s but will be slower. It’s a fact of life, mind you judging by some of the races I have run there are some mighty fine +50 runners who are not that much slower than the 20 -30 year olds.

Hopefully, I will get well enough to run a few more of the larger races. Maybe a couple of 1/2's, and if I can stay healthy one more marathon, I would like very much to do one more marathon. After which I can stick with ½’s and 10’s.

Here’s Hoping

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