Wednesday, April 18, 2007

With five weeks to go to the Bluenose Marathon I can say everything is on track. Training is going well and this week is a bit of a step back week. Then on Sunday we are down to the last two big runs before we start to taper down. We are now done the hill work and this week I started on the speed work. I did not do this last time with the half, but this time I am stronger and feeling better physically.

Feeling better physically as I did not try to over train the event. When I did the ½ marathon in the fall I over trained and paid the price in the last 4 weeks of the program. I had to slow down and taper early. What a difference 6 months make, when we were out doing the 23K run on Sunday I noticed at the 18K mark I was actually about 10 minutes faster in then when I was training for the ½. I am hoping that will translate later on in the season when I start to pick up 10K events.

My Sucony Trigons did not make the grade, while they were a nice running shoe the only went about 400K when I wore completely thorough the heal to the padded layer. I wrote Sucony and got some response that really did not answer or solve anything. So I went out and bought a pair of Adidas Shadow’s. They are not to bad, but not as comfortable as the Trigons.

I may pick up a pair of Trigons just for racing purposes. This I think is a good move as I want to be as comfortable with my run as I can.

Physically I can say I am in the best shape I have ever been in the last 25 years. My weight is steady in that 205 area, I am hoping to drop 15 pounds after the marathon. No sense trying to cut back my food now. I will have to cut back anyway when I take my mileage back down I will maintain a base once I am recovered of about 35K a week until its time to train for the goofy.

Running upright and smiling

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