Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cabot Trail Relay a big success

Well another weekend goes by and I laced up my running shoes in Baddeck, NS. Baddeck is in Cape Breton were I ran the 20th annual Cabot Trail Relay. This is a 17 man relay that runs the 298Km around the Cabot trail over approx. 27 hours. There were 65 teams from a variety of states and provinces. Runners from 17 to 75 participating in the event this weekend running legs from 13.25Km up to 20Km.

My leg was leg 3, which was a shorter 13.46 KM leg, consisting of rolling terrain. There were some nice gradual inclines as well as nice gradual down hills. So unlike the Bluenose or some of the other legs it was fairly easy to run. I was a bit nervous because having run a full marathon the week before I did not know how I would perform.

But I can tell you I had a great run. It was one of those runs where everything came together. I opted not to run with my Garmin and decided to hell with pacing, I was just going to go for it and giver all I had. That worked, I ran a very fast run, in fact in term of pace it was a Personal Best of 5:35KM breaking the previous 5:47 record set at the HBC run last year.

Will I go back to Cabot Trail and run the relay again you bet. It was a fantastic run, and a great weekend. Aingeal my partner in crime supported the first 3 legs making sure everyone had water and a friendly cheer to motivate them on. We ate in a very nice restaurant and the food was excellent.

Next up, not sure, but if I feel good by end of week, I think I will run 10K in Trenton, NS for the Johnny miles. On June 9th and 10th I will be on the Run for Life Cancer relay here at the Citadel in Nova Scotia. I may even be convinced to head over to Lunenburg on Sunday June 10th to run the famous 5K muffin run.


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